Q&A with Adam Kane a.k.a LiL Kids
#1 How many people are in your group? LIL KIDS is my rap name but Nick Adams aka Lopato makes all the beats and I dont really ever plan on working with other producers so I guess we are a group but LIL KIDS is my name. It confuses people.
#2 How would you describe your music? Our music is pretty much like golden era hip hop but with lots of old psychedelic rock and garage samples. That's the kind of stuff i like to rap over and Nick bas gotten good at making beats that work with my style. The stuff we have been working on for our third mixtape is gonna have more recorded instruments.
#3 Why the name LIL KIDS?
I picked the name LIL KIDS because there are lots of LIL rappers and now lots of kid rappers so i just combined them and made it plural so it would confuse people when. they found out it was just my rap name and not the name of a group. Also its kind of creepy and pussy at the same time which i like.
#4 How many takes do you record till you consider it gold? I usually get verses done in about one to three takes i rap the verse out the whole time i write it so im familiar with it so when its time to record i got it down. The singing parts i do are usually one or two takes then nick polishes them with lots of effects cuz i suck at singing im not gonna be doing that on the new shit cuz i got some hot chicks who are gonna do it for me.
#5 Where do you get your inspiration from? My inspiration comes from experiences but a lot of it is just off the cuff. I go through periods where i can write a lot and then sometimes like right now i hit dry spots or just get overwhelmed by my personal life and can't focus on being creative. I like to drink a lot when i write it helps me not be so hard on myself.
#6 Which musicians influence you? We've been playing with a lot of other diy bands and they inspire me. My friends HAPPY LIVES go hard as fuck their drummer quit the day they had a show and they still played and fuckin killed it...that was inspiring. My friends in the band SURFING influence me to wanna snort uppers and drink vodka even though I don't do uppers I just drink the booze! Shouts to those guys. There are a long list of more well known artists that influence me, but they aren't my friends.
#7 Who would you marry, kill and fuck (dead or alive)?
- I'd probably kill myself if the girl i want to marry wont have me.
- I want to marry a girl I've loved for a long time I'm not gonna name drop because shed probably get embarrassed if people knew she was involved with me.
- If i could fuck anyone dead or alive it would probably be Daphnee from scooby doo she's hot.
#8 Do you guys have any lil kids of your own? I don't have any kids Nick has four. Just kidding he has one. Gotchya he doesn't have any either. Maybe one day.
#9 Where do you see LIL KIDS in 5 years? In five years hopefully this blows up a little bit so i can quit my day job. If not i don't really know. The only thing I'm good at is making fart noises with my hands but ever since the stock market crashed all those jobs are gone.
#10 What is your fast food, porn and alcohol of choice? Fast food of choice has got to be burger king i seriously am getting a bk tattoo as im typing this. If anyone from bk reads this please sponsor me. I really like lego porno. And my favorite alcohol is probably champagne but all i really drink is shitty beer.
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