#1 Why the name “Bogan Via?” Well, though Bouganvilles can be found anywhere, they really seem prominent in Arizona, our hometown. There were tons in my (Maddie's) backyard as a child. It kinda just felt right, it felt appropriate to our sound.
#2 how would your describe your music? We would describe our sound as electronic-indie pop with a sprinkle of folk! Some people have called us "dream pop", we've also gotten comparisons to Beach House, but a "sunnier" version!
#3 How many people are involved in the band? And how do you know each other? We are a trail blazing duo! Bret Bender and Madeleine Miller. We met almost two years ago on Facebook! (Can you believe it?!) We had some mutual friends but didn't actually know each other. I have a Youtube Channel (Maddie) and back in the day I would upload videos pretty frequently of myself playing the acoustic guitar, singing originals and covers. Bret saw some and reached out to me about a collaboration. The rest is history!
#4 Who are your influences/Where do you get your inspiration? Everything kinda influences us one way or another! Inspiration is everywhere. Right now we are working on our first full length album and we've noticed a theme of horror stories and imagery in the songs. I (Maddie) am a big horror buff and over the months have subjected Bret to them as well. He does not like them, he won't watch them, but he'll hear parts or catch glimpses. That inspired him a lot in his writing.
#5 How long does it take you to record a song before you call it gold? That is a hard question because we tend to be very critical of ourselves. Calling it gold? I'm not sure if it ever happens really! We will record a song and get to a point while mixing where we love it, then the next time we listen we will question it. You know, if only my vocal take was stronger or we added a few synths here...I think a lot of artists experience that. At some point, we choose to step back and just accept that it IS great. We choose to stop nitpicking eventually.
#6 Who would you: kill? Fuck? And whose face would you tattoo on your body? Ooooh let us think...hmmm...you know I (Maddie) am a lover, not a fighter so I wouldn't kill anyone but I may retire someone like Taylor Swift. Bret says he would kill big oil. I think collectively we agree we would make sweet sweet Bogan Via love to Lana Del Rey. She is not only beautiful but we both really enjoy what she does as a musical artist. As far as tattoos, Bret says John Lennon and I (Maddie) say Bret.
#7 When did you know you wanted to be musicians?
Bret became interested in the piano in high school; soon thereafter he began writing his own songs and started asking his close friends if they wanted to form a band. I dabbled in music much later. I was always in choir in school and did lots of musicals growing up. My dad brought home an old piano one day, I started tinkering with it and when he saw my interest he bought me a guitar the next year. That's really when I began writing my own songs.
#8 What is “Bogan Via” working on right now? Anything to look forward to(tour/music video/album/song etc) We recently released a music video for one of our singles, Kanye. We are thrilled with the video; our friends at Electric Legend Pictures did a fantastic job! We are also currently working on our new album! We have been workshopping tons of songs in preparation, writing, recording, mixing. We are loving it so far; we hope to release something very strong. And finally, we are gearing up for our first ever tour! In Europe! This October we will be visiting 6 countries in 10 days! One show in particular will be the Insomnia Festival in Norway! We can't wait.
#9 Where do you see your music in the next years? Hopefully, we will be releasing more music and have quit our day jobs! We look forward to opening for bigger acts and eventually would love to headline our own shows and tours!
#10 What’s one vice you cant live without?
Oh man, I (Maddie) have got a couple. If I had to choose..besides beer, I'd say The Real Housewives of Orange County. There is something so cathartic about watching reality TV. Bret despises it but I just can't help myself! Bret has got a sweet tooth like none other! Whether it's a blizzard from DQ or a slice of French Silk Pie, most dinners aren't finished until the gettins' been got.
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